1. veebr 2016

Võimuvõitlus on igavene

Eelmise aasta lõpus lahkunud Euroopa suur arhitekt, majandusharidusega kantsler Hemut Schmidt, oli väga kriitiline praeguse Euroopa majanduseliidi kriisilahendusmeetodite suhtes. Allpool viidatud lugu annab hea ettekujutuse eurokriisi suurest pildist. Seal viidatakse ka praegusele akadeemilisele konsensusele veniva eurokriisi põhjuste kohta. Ilma selle teadmiseta on kriisi lahendamiseks vähe väljavaateid. Tehniliselt on lahendused teada, aga valikud on poliitilised.

Mõned kantsleri enda tsitaadid (aastast 2011) …

“The history of the continent might well be regarded as a never-ending succession of struggles between the periphery and the centre and, vice versa, between the centre and the periphery.”

“We Germans have frequently made others suffer because of our position of power at the centre.”


“We should also avoid advocating an extreme deflationary policy for the whole of Europe.  . . . No country can consolidate its budget without growth and without new jobs.”


“What we have, in fact, is a crisis of the ability of the EU’s political bodies to act. This glaring weakness of action is a much greater threat to the future of Europe than the excessive debt levels of individual Eurozone countries.”

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