12. veebr 2009

Väärtuste ümberhindamisest

Objektiivseid asjaolusid, eriti mineviku omi, tihti muuta ei saa, küll aga oma suhtumist neisse ("recalibrate"). Ehk aitab see soovitus tänasest FT-st pehmemalt maanduda:

"Appropriately recalibrated, we will celebrate pay freezes as if they were raises, regard continued employment as a promotion and boast at dinner parties about how little our dwelling’s price has fallen."

11. veebr 2009

Meenutagem klassikuid

“When the profits of trade happen
to be greater than ordinary,
overtrading becomes a general error. …

Rate of profit is always highest
in the countries that are
going fastest to ruin.”

Adam Smith,
The Wealth of Nations